florian.boepple: bellflower
florian.boepple: snowdrop
florian.boepple: snowdrop 2015
florian.boepple: Crocuses - welcome spring
florian.boepple: Steps from fungi
florian.boepple: forest soil
florian.boepple: caution prickly!
florian.boepple: i'm a bee, i'm a bee...
florian.boepple: Hazelnuts on forest floor
florian.boepple: lifeless does not exist!
florian.boepple: young leaves - new power!
florian.boepple: bumblebee
florian.boepple: lonely crocus
florian.boepple: This squirrel enjoys his hazelnut!
florian.boepple: Pussy willow early in the morning
florian.boepple: crocus family
florian.boepple: the nature paints the most beautiful colors!
florian.boepple: An ocean of tulips
florian.boepple: did you say something? - Squirrel with his prey
florian.boepple: A pair of crocuses in a wood of grass
florian.boepple: Fresh leaves - the messengers of spring!
florian.boepple: Daffodils from another point of view
florian.boepple: a symphony of light - light blue flowers
florian.boepple: small flower quite large!
florian.boepple: grow up high into the sky
florian.boepple: magnolia blossom time
florian.boepple: squirrel during breakfast
florian.boepple: Happy Easter everyone :)
florian.boepple: the colors of spring
florian.boepple: black and yellow, black and yellow... and a little bit pink :D