[f as in...]: Clerical trio
[f as in...]: Primiz blessing
[f as in...]: Tyska kyrkan: Light in darkness
[f as in...]: Christ the King outside S. Gertrud's
[f as in...]: Close-up of altarpiece
[f as in...]: Window triptych
[f as in...]: Portrait: Msgr. Rudolf Michael Schmitz
[f as in...]: Communio
[f as in...]: 'Ecce Agnus Dei...'
[f as in...]: Sermon by Msgr. Schmitz
[f as in...]: Elevation of the Host
[f as in...]: Elevation of the Chalice
[f as in...]: Messe celebrée par Mgr. Schmitz
[f as in...]: Domine virtutum, beatus homo, qui sperant in te.
[f as in...]: Our Lady in Gamla stan
[f as in...]: Delivering a homily, Stockholm
[f as in...]: Shot from above
[f as in...]: Modernism launching at Our Lady's hair
[f as in...]: Credence shelf
[f as in...]: Altar, post missam
[f as in...]: Altar arranged for Mass
[f as in...]: St. Francis and his birds
[f as in...]: Two stages of genuflection
[f as in...]: La messe...
[f as in...]: Chant of the Epistle (II)
[f as in...]: Some brief announcements just before Mass
[f as in...]: Taking a short break from chummy conversation
[f as in...]: "Oh, but mon Père, you really must try those cookies"
[f as in...]: The art of listening, an especially priestly virtue?
[f as in...]: Abbé von M., the homilist