flores.david84: White Fronted Goose- Lifer
flores.david84: Red-Tail Hawk- juvenile
flores.david84: Red-Breasted Merganser
flores.david84: Kestrel- female
flores.david84: House Finch
flores.david84: Horned Lark
flores.david84: Downy Woodpecker
flores.david84: Coopers Hawk
flores.david84: American Robin
flores.david84: Rough-Legged Hawk
flores.david84: Baltimore Oriole
flores.david84: Common Yellow Throat Warbler
flores.david84: Golden-Winged Warbler
flores.david84: Great Creasted Flycatcher
flores.david84: Northern Water Thrush
flores.david84: Redstart
flores.david84: Red-Winged Blackbird
flores.david84: Spotted Sandpiper
flores.david84: White Crowned Sparrow
flores.david84: Savannah Sparrow
flores.david84: Red-Eyed Vireo
flores.david84: Northern Flickers (male and female)
flores.david84: Lincoln Sparrow
flores.david84: King Bird
flores.david84: Bobolink
flores.david84: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
flores.david84: Black and White Warbler
flores.david84: Black Crowned Night Heron
flores.david84: Black Throated Green Warbler