flores.david84: First Robin of the Year
flores.david84: Mute Swan
flores.david84: Northern Cardinal
flores.david84: White-Breasted Nuthatch
flores.david84: Red-Tailed Hawk
flores.david84: Snowy Crow
flores.david84: Golden-Eye Pair
flores.david84: Long-Tailed Duck
flores.david84: Snowy Owl
flores.david84: Horned Lark
flores.david84: Rough Legged Hawk
flores.david84: Bald Eagle
flores.david84: Northern Shrike
flores.david84: Buffle Head
flores.david84: Red Throated Loon
flores.david84: Red Breasted Mergansers
flores.david84: Pectoral Sandpiper
flores.david84: Canada Goose
flores.david84: Common Snipe
flores.david84: Vesper Sparrow
flores.david84: Cowbirds
flores.david84: Meaowlark
flores.david84: Great Horned Owls
flores.david84: Rusty Blackbird
flores.david84: Northern Mockingbird
flores.david84: Garganey
flores.david84: Chestnut Sided Warbler
flores.david84: Common Loon
flores.david84: Barred Owl
flores.david84: Blue Heron in a Water Way