flores.david84: Belted King Fisher
flores.david84: Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
flores.david84: Horned Grebe and Female Common Merganser
flores.david84: Horned Grebe
flores.david84: Common Merganser Courtship
flores.david84: Shelf Fungus
flores.david84: Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
flores.david84: Savannah Sparrow
flores.david84: Yellow-Rumped Warbler
flores.david84: Cape May Warbler
flores.david84: White-Throated Sparrow
flores.david84: Canada Warbler
flores.david84: Coopers Hawk
flores.david84: Doe Eyed
flores.david84: Check out the Spread on his Rack
flores.david84: Big Buck