flores.david84: The Crick
flores.david84: Warming House
flores.david84: Club House
flores.david84: The Crick
flores.david84: The Crick
flores.david84: The Crick
flores.david84: The Crick
flores.david84: The Crick
flores.david84: The Crick
flores.david84: Moon Over Lake Michigan
flores.david84: Ross' Goose
flores.david84: Ross' Goose
flores.david84: Odd Duck.... Make that Robin...
flores.david84: Northern Rough-Winged Swallow
flores.david84: Red Spider
flores.david84: White-Throated Sparrow
flores.david84: Lesser Yellow Legs
flores.david84: Moth on Dandelion
flores.david84: Goslings
flores.david84: Duckling
flores.david84: Mallard Hen
flores.david84: Mallard Family
flores.david84: Ruby Throated Hummingbird
flores.david84: Ruby Throated Hummingbird
flores.david84: Forget Me Not
flores.david84: Butterfly
flores.david84: Hummingbird Clearwing
flores.david84: Hummingbird Clearwing