flores.david84: Henslows Sparrow
flores.david84: Cat Bird
flores.david84: Yellow Warbler
flores.david84: Yellow Warbler
flores.david84: Yellow Warbler
flores.david84: Yellow in Flight
flores.david84: Canada Goose and Goslings
flores.david84: Canada Goose and Goslings
flores.david84: Green Heron
flores.david84: Cabbage Moth on Thistle
flores.david84: Cabbage Moth on Thistle
flores.david84: Red-Winged Blackbird
flores.david84: Lincoln Memorial Drive
flores.david84: So Close, but yet so Far
flores.david84: Fawn on the Lawn
flores.david84: Cementary Fawn
flores.david84: Bath Time
flores.david84: Snacking
flores.david84: Grooming
flores.david84: The Whole Family
flores.david84: Crimson Leaves
flores.david84: Common Yellow-Throat
flores.david84: Rainy Bike Path
flores.david84: Mallard Silhouette