flores.david84: Hooded Merganser
flores.david84: Lesser Scoup (male and female)
flores.david84: Canadian Geese
flores.david84: White-Winged Scoter
flores.david84: Horned Grebe (adult, non-breeding)
flores.david84: Female Red-breasted Merganser
flores.david84: Male Red-breasted Merganser
flores.david84: Herring Sea Gull
flores.david84: Ring-Billed Gull
flores.david84: Male Lesser Scaup
flores.david84: Male Common Goldeneye
flores.david84: Albino Mallard
flores.david84: Male and Female Mallards
flores.david84: Male Redhead Duck
flores.david84: Female Redhead Duck
flores.david84: Female Belted Kingfisher
flores.david84: Great Egret
flores.david84: Blue-Winged Teal (male and female)
flores.david84: Great Egret
flores.david84: Lesser Yellowlegs
flores.david84: Tree Swallow
flores.david84: Sandhill Cranes
flores.david84: Wood Ducks
flores.david84: Double Crested Comorant
flores.david84: Caspian Tern
flores.david84: Northern Rough-Winged Swallow
flores.david84: Canada Gosling
flores.david84: Northern Shoveler
flores.david84: Least Bittern (female)
flores.david84: Green Heron (male)