Floracliff: Prickly pear and widow's cross
Floracliff: Mayapple and wild blue phlox
Floracliff: Fire pink
Floracliff: Wild pink
Floracliff: Shooting star
Floracliff: Dutchman's breeches
Floracliff: Bloodroot
Floracliff: Nodding trillium
Floracliff: Hispid false mallow
Floracliff: Lily leaved twayblade
Floracliff: Wild blue phlox and Elk Lick Creek
Floracliff: Celandine poppy
Floracliff: Snow trillium
Floracliff: Yellow pimpernel and spiderwort
Floracliff: Spiderwort
Floracliff: Ohio buckeye
Floracliff: Bladdernut
Floracliff: Columbine and baby's breath
Floracliff: Columbine
Floracliff: Baby's breath
Floracliff: Northern red oak
Floracliff: Pawpaw patch
Floracliff: Oldest documented tree in Kentucky
Floracliff: Baby's breath and columbine
Floracliff: Spring beauty
Floracliff: Dutchman's breeches and sessile trillium
Floracliff: Early saxifrage
Floracliff: False rue anemone