adheds: The English Countryside with Victorian Houses - Hoghton, Lancashire
adheds: Dee
adheds: Ladybird ready to launch
adheds: Once upon a time on Mars
adheds: Sexy Alliums (Ornithogalum Saundersiae) by Antari Foster
adheds: Helenium Morheim Beauty by Antari Foster
adheds: Heuchera Sugar Plum by Antari Foster
adheds: "Come and find me!!!" pict by Antari Foster
adheds: Tall Orange Flowers (Knipofia / Torch Lily / Red Hot Poker) by Antari Foster
adheds: Purple hydrangea
adheds: On the "Steinway & Sons"
adheds: Fountain at Chatsworth House (Pride and Prejudice House)
adheds: Basket of tomatoes by Antari Foster
adheds: Yes, I see you.....
adheds: Magnolia Stellata
adheds: All you need is LOVE... All you need is LOVE..., LOVE is all you need.... LOVE is all you need
adheds: Maroon is the colour of the day - Maroon Chrystanthemum
adheds: The Magenta Crown of Astrantia
adheds: Purple Agapanthus
adheds: Soft Pink and Yellow Streptocarpus
adheds: Lollipop... Lollipop..... Row of Alliums
adheds: Blue Iris
adheds: Red and Green..... a lovely combination...
adheds: Apple Flowers
adheds: The Wacky Red Haired Flower (Royal Red Anemone)
adheds: JFK Arboretum - Heather Garden by Antari Foster
adheds: Pink Primrose (Explored!)
adheds: Panda's action shot
adheds: I Dream in Pastel - Acer "Orange Dream..."
adheds: Daffs at Chatsworth