floppydamage: Sedotto
floppydamage: "Bye to everybody, see you next year (but you won't see me! Ohohoh)"
floppydamage: Guess Where I Was For New Year's Day 2010
floppydamage: Obelisco e Ruota - Parigi
floppydamage: Ettore Penna
floppydamage: Ettore Carving
floppydamage: Il Freddo
floppydamage: Bici e neve
floppydamage: Mela e Pera
floppydamage: Eyes on the wall
floppydamage: Rovine a Isolabella
floppydamage: Longilinee
floppydamage: Virgilio
floppydamage: Impressioni di Novembre
floppydamage: Il Rosa e il Giallo
floppydamage: Parole di fede
floppydamage: Fall from glory
floppydamage: Si sta come d'autunno
floppydamage: Sulle rive del Po
floppydamage: Houston, we're ready to take-off!
floppydamage: I'm pretty sure this is the Devil's tail
floppydamage: Life/Death
floppydamage: Estintore
floppydamage: San Mauro
floppydamage: Old & New
floppydamage: It's in the game