flopper: Bird's Nest and Its Sprinkler
flopper: Inside Forbidden City
flopper: Chinese Dessert
flopper: Dragon Boat
flopper: Ancient Clock
flopper: Chinese National Theatre
flopper: Olympic Torch
flopper: FuWa at Birdnest
flopper: Emperor's "Office" Corner
flopper: Tian An Men - Gate of Heavenly Peace
flopper: Spring in Summer Palace
flopper: 17 Hole Bridge in Summer Palace
flopper: Climb the Great Wall
flopper: Climb the Great Wall II
flopper: Street of Beijing
flopper: Bridge Reflection
flopper: Old Summer Palace 圆明园
flopper: March Snow in Beijing
flopper: Youth
flopper: Bugs on Sticks!
flopper: Making 煎饼果子
flopper: Dog Love
flopper: Training
flopper: Sandstorm Day in Beijing University
flopper: Marriage Certificate
flopper: Trees in Forbidden City
flopper: Hiking Fragrant Hills