F.lopes´s Album: Torus moulding with flowers interlaced
F.lopes´s Album: Torus moulding with flowers interlaced
F.lopes´s Album: Leaf mouldings
F.lopes´s Album: Ornamental bands
F.lopes´s Album: Finial knob
F.lopes´s Album: Torus moulding with flowers interlaced
F.lopes´s Album: Torus moulding with flowers interlaced
F.lopes´s Album: Torus moulding with flowers interlaced
F.lopes´s Album: Torus moulding with flowers interlaced
F.lopes´s Album: Crown Mouldings
F.lopes´s Album: Crown Mouldings
F.lopes´s Album: Crown Mouldings
F.lopes´s Album: Interlacement band
F.lopes´s Album: Rosette ornament
F.lopes´s Album: Palmette ornament
F.lopes´s Album: Interlacement band
F.lopes´s Album: Pendant Knob
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower
F.lopes´s Album: Pendant Knob
F.lopes´s Album: Pendant Knob
F.lopes´s Album: Pendant Knob
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower
F.lopes´s Album: Ceiling-flower