kleemo: Immediately upon landing...
kleemo: A latte in icelandic is called "latte"
kleemo: spinning up
kleemo: forbidden
kleemo: tied
kleemo: marshmallows
kleemo: waterfalls
kleemo: Anarstapi
kleemo: a troll watches
kleemo: smiles at the black basalt cliffs
kleemo: crawling through laval floes
kleemo: lava moss
kleemo: slopes
kleemo: inside there be trolls
kleemo: green
kleemo: looking up
kleemo: pray
kleemo: well worn
kleemo: sunset
kleemo: sunrise
kleemo: lighthouse
kleemo: Stykkishólmur
kleemo: sleeping boats
kleemo: Stykkishólmur in the morn'
kleemo: Leaving Stykkishólmur behind.
kleemo: the ferry across Breiðafjörður
kleemo: looking back
kleemo: with Stykkishólmur in the background
kleemo: spotlight
kleemo: whatever the words are to the Icelandic national anthem