floky: Ara in Mlawula
floky: Platysaurus lembomboensis - Lubombo Flat Liard
floky: Termite nest and Mduduzi
floky: The bush in Mlawula
floky: Bushbuck
floky: Large spotted Genet
floky: White-backed Vulture
floky: Hippo
floky: Platysaurus lembomboensis - Lubombo Flat Liard
floky: Platysaurus lembomboensis - Lubombo Flat Liard
floky: Epomophorus crypturus - Peter's epauletted Fruit Bat
floky: Elephantulus myurus - Rock Elephant Shrew - Macroscelididae family
floky: Leopard Tortoise
floky: Emi and Mduduzi during bats' capture
floky: Nycteris thebaica - Egyptian slit-faced bat
floky: Acanthocercus atricollis - Blue Headed Southern Tree Agama
floky: Acanthocercus atricollis - Blue Headed Southern Tree Agama
floky: The bush in Mlawula
floky: Thryonomys sp. - Cane rat
floky: Latrodectes sp. - black widow
floky: Nightjare (may be mozambican)
floky: Numida meleagris - Guineafowl
floky: Plain zebra tracks
floky: Nephila sp. - Spider
floky: Mduduzi & a wood owl during a bats' capture