flogently: it was really foggy on the morning that I left
flogently: pea soup for breakfast
flogently: Welcome to DETROIT
flogently: pleasantly distracting
flogently: transit silhouette
flogently: not everything is as clear as it seems
flogently: Detroit disco no 2
flogently: do you wanna dance?
flogently: do you see the dog?
flogently: alone in the elevator
flogently: waiting: 2:28 p.m.
flogently: moving / standing still
flogently: pleasingly distracting design
flogently: waiting: 3:23 p.m.
flogently: waiting: 4:31 p.m.
flogently: yes, yes, yes, i will have a margarita
flogently: not as good as the margarita
flogently: waiting: 5:45 p.m.
flogently: an airbus is a really big plane
flogently: a different kind of day than mine
flogently: the light was nicely distracting
flogently: waiting: 6:58 p.m.
flogently: Americans in an airport
flogently: almost there!
flogently: wolf welcome
flogently: first breath of fresh air in Alaska
flogently: the view outside our window in Anchorage
flogently: feeling a little nervous about the weather
flogently: moments after take-off
flogently: just six of us