flogently: slym setting up
flogently: the green shadow
flogently: djembe vs. guitar
flogently: with two hands behind his back
flogently: the powerhouse
flogently: 優しさ見える
flogently: classic
flogently: he's there
flogently: クソクソクソ!
flogently: introducing the new guy
flogently: set list
flogently: djembe vs. guitar
flogently: rebel yell
flogently: hano vs. slym
flogently: slym fingers
flogently: kenta
flogently: i pink heart you
flogently: fly, birdie!
flogently: playing past the pain
flogently: slym shoes
flogently: it was a good show
flogently: crowd shot
flogently: bringing you closer
flogently: kiyo rawks!
flogently: near/far