floebee: kermit
floebee: out on the swan after dark
floebee: up on the roof
floebee: the meeting place
floebee: daiquirís till dawn
floebee: edgy
floebee: lover of lightness
floebee: tumultuous night
floebee: wrapped up in your arms
floebee: flutterbees wild side
floebee: riot gear
floebee: roar : raw
floebee: the skies are burning
floebee: reflecting on the horizon
floebee: touching
floebee: just too late for a photo ...
floebee: flotsam, santorini
floebee: let me take you by the hand
floebee: bodacious
floebee: skirting around the issue
floebee: six to the power of two
floebee: σχίζω
floebee: in tune
floebee: bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
floebee: sweet waking...
floebee: in a dimly lit room
floebee: after the tango
floebee: unlocked
floebee: intertwined
floebee: a splash of chakra