FlitterG: 01 of 12: Coffee, water, vapes and tablet
FlitterG: 02 of 12: Neurmal still snoozing
FlitterG: 03 of 12: The dreaded vac
FlitterG: 04 of 12:My new fitness tracker
FlitterG: 05 of 12: Out of steam
FlitterG: 06 of 12: Games at the computer
FlitterG: 07 of 12: Vape tank maintenance
FlitterG: 08 of 12: Rod preparing to start tea
FlitterG: 09 of 12: Tea prep begins with a glass of wine
FlitterG: 10 of 12: Neurmal wakes up for the sunset
FlitterG: 11 of 12: Noble
FlitterG: 12 of 12: Fantastic combination