FlitterG: 1 of 12: Good Morning
FlitterG: 2 of 12: Checking in with my kids
FlitterG: 3 of 12: Vegemite on toast
FlitterG: 4 of 12: Investigating a menu for Saturday dinner
FlitterG: 5 of 12: Coffee break time
FlitterG: 6 of 12: More walking
FlitterG: 7 of 12: Neurmal was in bed before me
FlitterG: 8 of 12: Noble does his nightly routine
FlitterG: 9 of 12: Noble does his nightly routine, continued
FlitterG: 10 of 12: Noble does his nightly routine, part 3
FlitterG: 11 of 12: Neurmal woke up with all the commotion
FlitterG: 12 of 12: Made it to 12 pics!