FlitterG: 1 of 12: Day One app
FlitterG: 2 of 12: TextExpander Touch
FlitterG: 3 of 12: Breakfast or Early Morning Snack?
FlitterG: 4 of 12: Morning coffee
FlitterG: 5 of 12: My dresser as seen from my bed.
FlitterG: 6 of 12: Noble kneading my bathrobe
FlitterG: 7 of 12: Drafts for iPad app
FlitterG: 8 of 12: Senega and Ammonia
FlitterG: 9 of 12: Lunch in bed
FlitterG: 10 of 12: Day One entry
FlitterG: 11 of 12: Dressed and out the door.
FlitterG: 12 of 12: Back Home in my Jammies