Flissy Bug: Needed a headshot for yoga workshop flyers.
Flissy Bug: Fred & I at the dance studio. Love this sweet reminder of my dance inspiration every week.
Flissy Bug: Sweets from the Patel Bros. yum yum!
Flissy Bug: Onion Goggles!
Flissy Bug: Brookside Gardens
Flissy Bug: Made a new headband!
Flissy Bug: Mini-rose thinks it's spring already.
Flissy Bug: Busch Gardens
Flissy Bug: Toile! In Williamsburg.
Flissy Bug: Bangs!
Flissy Bug: Piper in the kitty pi
Flissy Bug: Post-show instagrammin' at the Double TT
Flissy Bug: My alter ego loves glittery eye shadow. O wait so do I.
Flissy Bug: Prosperity Mala from @tinydevotions
Flissy Bug: One of my students gave me a flower from her garden <3
Flissy Bug: Brian Wilson is not drunk, he just does not like flash.
Flissy Bug: Kitties. This is as close as they get to cuddling.
Flissy Bug: Vegan tacos of awesome! Spicy tempeh, shredded cabbage, avocado slices and garlic-cilantro crema on TJs habanero-lime tortillas
Flissy Bug: Instagram is for kitty photos.
Flissy Bug: Tiny trains!
Flissy Bug: Hubbies with birthday ascot
Flissy Bug: Bakasana
Flissy Bug: Panaeng Curry with Carrot Butterfly
Flissy Bug: Cuppies from Babycakes at Downtown Disney