flippers: developing the grip
flippers: how do i work this thing?
flippers: break
flippers: the sweet smell of boob
flippers: he will kill you in your sleep
flippers: lets do this thing
flippers: Dad's pumped for killing
flippers: the killing field
flippers: flanking the base
flippers: pwned in the face
flippers: not wise
flippers: breifing: shoot them in the face
flippers: on the attack
flippers: army of 2
flippers: run and shoot run and shoot
flippers: dead eye dad
flippers: Ga(v)ngster stlye
flippers: this blood taste like paint?
flippers: Brave Sir Boob
flippers: big bruise on me noggin
flippers: the last word in technical trainers
flippers: the is a vampire in my villa
flippers: pimp my villa
flippers: he's so fast
flippers: TWACK!
flippers: BOOM!
flippers: "it was in" "OUT!"
flippers: old blue eye
flippers: ponder
flippers: pork kebabs