flippers: snob graffiti
flippers: I eat rubbish
flippers: weeeeee!
flippers: wooooo!
flippers: I will eat you
flippers: we are your doom
flippers: viva la revolution!
flippers: THAT is a big one
flippers: all hail the King!
flippers: bumpy landing
flippers: crash landing
flippers: awesome tat
flippers: cableless cable car
flippers: really really in space now
flippers: lets land there
flippers: The Winter Garden's sweet ceiling
flippers: Clown
flippers: Clown playing musical saw
flippers: Clown
flippers: HOT babe
flippers: playing with fire
flippers: the host with the least
flippers: eyes like worms on fire
flippers: and then she just burst into flame, it was weird.
flippers: and?
flippers: NNNNN
flippers: concern
flippers: so, I'm like on fire and shit?
flippers: looking brave