flippers: i drink blood of my goat yes, it very nice.
flippers: Kiss comeback gig
flippers: Islam? nah, i'm C of E.
flippers: we blow up now yes! LOL!
flippers: Tom Baker: in his radical youth
flippers: i'm so wasted man
flippers: so er, dude!
flippers: pretty firey thing
flippers: oh my god...
flippers: The Guys
flippers: suddenly, God appeared
flippers: pout damn it!
flippers: BANG!
flippers: 3 attractive people
flippers: i say old bean, really top hole knee's up wot wot
flippers: ZZWIISH!
flippers: FOOOM!
flippers: Who's under the mask?!
flippers: Konk's look pale, Ant's looking ginger
flippers: up your's Hallybones
flippers: FWOOSH!
flippers: red sky at night, Flipper's delight
flippers: i can smell the colours
flippers: it's so magical... sniff
flippers: total metal head
flippers: fizzzzzzzzzzz
flippers: cop a loads of these fellas, WOLLOP!
flippers: getchya official Fangs 06 Ts, buy or sell...
flippers: <rip> SUPERMA... oh wait, damn.