a_boy_c: Coheed Rocks on
a_boy_c: Coheed takes stage
a_boy_c: Nighttime day 1
a_boy_c: Violent Femmes
a_boy_c: Lollapalooza Entrance
a_boy_c: Panic! and the dancers
a_boy_c: Coheed
a_boy_c: Gnarls Barkley
a_boy_c: Flaming Lips
a_boy_c: The bubble
a_boy_c: Balloons
a_boy_c: Bam
a_boy_c: Thievery Corporation
a_boy_c: 30 Seconds to Mars
a_boy_c: Jared Leto
a_boy_c: Jared Leto likes Heights
a_boy_c: Singing
a_boy_c: Crowd
a_boy_c: Flea
a_boy_c: Red Hot
a_boy_c: Sing Along
a_boy_c: rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!