DigiNik13: "Sir, can I bring you another dozen cookies?"
DigiNik13: "Please stop singing and dancing in the restaurant"
DigiNik13: "Sir, please do not chop the table in half with your bare hands...."
DigiNik13: "We'd like 2 orders of brains please - extra rare"
DigiNik13: "Will this week never end?....."
DigiNik13: The Waiter's long week continues....
DigiNik13: It's going to be a long week for the Waiter
DigiNik13: Fancy Dinner
DigiNik13: "Let's paint the walls a different color!"
DigiNik13: "Excuse me Sir, where are your pants?"
DigiNik13: "We'd like two glasses of blood...."
DigiNik13: "Winner gets the last few bites of dessert!"