DigiNik13: "We have a mission for you...."
DigiNik13: Escaping with the Death Star plans
DigiNik13: "I fear nothing. All is as the Force wills it."
DigiNik13: "Reckless, aggressive and undiciplined...."
DigiNik13: Jyn Erso
DigiNik13: Jyn seems to be up to something again.....
DigiNik13: Ready to fight
DigiNik13: "This is our chance to make a real difference" (No Spoilers)
DigiNik13: Jyn on Eadu
DigiNik13: "The Captain says you are a friend. I will not kill you."
DigiNik13: Jyn on the landing platform....
DigiNik13: "Stardust.... I know because it's me"
DigiNik13: Entering the Imperial base on Scarif
DigiNik13: Jyn on Jedha: "It looks like we found Saw's Rebels"
DigiNik13: "You know who I am. I'm Jyn Erso......"
DigiNik13: Leap of Faith
DigiNik13: Crack! (read description)
DigiNik13: "Hope....."
DigiNik13: "Rebellions are built on Hope."
DigiNik13: "There is more than one sort of prison, Captain...."
DigiNik13: "We'll take the next chance, and the next. On and on until we win...... or the chances are spent." Jyn Erso, Rogue One
DigiNik13: Jyn on Eadu