DigiNik13: "Hey, big guy...."
DigiNik13: "Hulk wants a hot dog!"
DigiNik13: Hawkeye
DigiNik13: Scarlet Witch
DigiNik13: "I'm always picking up after you boys"
DigiNik13: Rocket Raccoon misses his friend, Groot
DigiNik13: "Come and get your love....."
DigiNik13: Star-Lord
DigiNik13: Cute Couple - Peter Quill (Star-Lord) and Gamora
DigiNik13: Star-Lord
DigiNik13: Gamora
DigiNik13: Drax the Destroyer
DigiNik13: Thor and Loki pose in front of the Lego Palace Cinema right before the Premier of "Thor: The Dark World"
DigiNik13: "I said KNEEL!"
DigiNik13: "Do I look to be in a gaming mood?"
DigiNik13: Glaring at the camera - recreating a publicity still from The Avengers
DigiNik13: "This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer. Pathetic!"
DigiNik13: Thor in Time-Out (see explanation for why he's in trouble)
DigiNik13: Homesick for Asgard: I must get out of this realm they call "Texas"
DigiNik13: Beauty and the Beast
DigiNik13: "Keep up, old man!"
DigiNik13: "You didn't see that coming?"
DigiNik13: "If you step out that door... you are an Avenger"
DigiNik13: "Kneel.... Before your Queen"
DigiNik13: "Avenge the Fallen", Maria Hill
DigiNik13: Avenge the Fallen: Natasha Romanoff
DigiNik13: Black Widow
DigiNik13: Scarlet Witch and a misprint......
DigiNik13: Not a couple but still cute....