flip-click: barrel or a weave pole?
flip-click: yes, this is on purpose
flip-click: ready, aim...
flip-click: screech... well it would if they had tires
flip-click: really?! they jump off the horse?
flip-click: sudden stop ahead
flip-click: This one needs longer legs
flip-click: no one said it was easy
flip-click: grip strength
flip-click: how it's done
flip-click: darn you gravity, you win again
flip-click: pogo stick
flip-click: (insert appropriate cowboy sound here)
flip-click: hats should be tied on
flip-click: effortless
flip-click: nailed it!
flip-click: giddyup!
flip-click: sandstorm
flip-click: looking ahead
flip-click: floating
flip-click: ouch!
flip-click: WARNING: Do not taunt bulls!
flip-click: this staring contest may not be a good idea
flip-click: posing for pics
flip-click: I got his attention! now what?
flip-click: much safer on the bull
flip-click: recliner mode
flip-click: stylin'