perfectlyGoodInk: crazy talk
perfectlyGoodInk: bustin dustin
perfectlyGoodInk: showing off her tattoo
perfectlyGoodInk: showoff
perfectlyGoodInk: sharing sunscreen
perfectlyGoodInk: shade crew
perfectlyGoodInk: shade crew
perfectlyGoodInk: is that a fire?
perfectlyGoodInk: first on the scene
perfectlyGoodInk: impromptu firefighting
perfectlyGoodInk: it burns, it burns
perfectlyGoodInk: Dust Sales ablaze
perfectlyGoodInk: poor dust sales. :(
perfectlyGoodInk: a water truck arrives
perfectlyGoodInk: fire fighting
perfectlyGoodInk: the fire's still going
perfectlyGoodInk: prying the hood
perfectlyGoodInk: wreckage
perfectlyGoodInk: a much larger water truck arrives
perfectlyGoodInk: managing the spray
perfectlyGoodInk: steam punks
perfectlyGoodInk: coyote and playground