perfectlyGoodInk: thar be whales here
perfectlyGoodInk: glimpse of serpent
perfectlyGoodInk: christmas music
perfectlyGoodInk: play them keys
perfectlyGoodInk: andie reflects upon the verse
perfectlyGoodInk: andie croons
perfectlyGoodInk: the crowd
perfectlyGoodInk: hitting that note
perfectlyGoodInk: fellow photog with a space staked out up front
perfectlyGoodInk: the band
perfectlyGoodInk: more lights
perfectlyGoodInk: behind the scenes
perfectlyGoodInk: a little attitude!
perfectlyGoodInk: wheel of...?
perfectlyGoodInk: look kids, it's santa claws!
perfectlyGoodInk: be very quiet! people are singing!
perfectlyGoodInk: bad santa!
perfectlyGoodInk: bad santa gets a better view
perfectlyGoodInk: more crowd
perfectlyGoodInk: announcements
perfectlyGoodInk: DarkStar (although I hadn't met her yet)