perfectlyGoodInk: diogo and roseiby
perfectlyGoodInk: pouring
perfectlyGoodInk: hiding behind her drink
perfectlyGoodInk: rose and anya
perfectlyGoodInk: rose and anya
perfectlyGoodInk: anya gazes longingly at the alcohol
perfectlyGoodInk: David Archer
perfectlyGoodInk: birthday girl
perfectlyGoodInk: putting out fires
perfectlyGoodInk: wish granted
perfectlyGoodInk: silly rose, serious diogo
perfectlyGoodInk: IMG_6184
perfectlyGoodInk: Andrei Illarionov
perfectlyGoodInk: Illarionov
perfectlyGoodInk: IMG_6195
perfectlyGoodInk: IMG_6196
perfectlyGoodInk: diogo and anya