perfectlyGoodInk: the ticket
perfectlyGoodInk: the Man
perfectlyGoodInk: the death star flower
perfectlyGoodInk: road to the man
perfectlyGoodInk: Intelligent Design
perfectlyGoodInk: the man (by day)
perfectlyGoodInk: hope and fear... and love
perfectlyGoodInk: Jawa Sand Crawler
perfectlyGoodInk: Barbie Death Camp & Wine Bistro
perfectlyGoodInk: they who are about to die look so happy
perfectlyGoodInk: Terri making sorbet
perfectlyGoodInk: reechee!
perfectlyGoodInk: walking spider car
perfectlyGoodInk: fire dancer on the playa
perfectlyGoodInk: offering himself
perfectlyGoodInk: General Grievous?
perfectlyGoodInk: the Temple
perfectlyGoodInk: Eyes Wide Open
perfectlyGoodInk: the Waffle's gaping maw
perfectlyGoodInk: the other WHOOSH!
perfectlyGoodInk: the Butterfly Beacon
perfectlyGoodInk: fireworks
perfectlyGoodInk: look out!
perfectlyGoodInk: hula hoop of flame
perfectlyGoodInk: fire breather
perfectlyGoodInk: the kiss
perfectlyGoodInk: So... which way to the Olympics?
perfectlyGoodInk: all smiles