perfectlyGoodInk: heading out to parTAY
perfectlyGoodInk: rose is rose
perfectlyGoodInk: rose being more goofy
perfectlyGoodInk: rose and jonny
perfectlyGoodInk: the pre-party party
perfectlyGoodInk: lauren and susan
perfectlyGoodInk: susan (and todd)
perfectlyGoodInk: parTAY-less pool
perfectlyGoodInk: terrace at diogo's (formerly joey's)
perfectlyGoodInk: IMG_1317
perfectlyGoodInk: anya and rose
perfectlyGoodInk: katie's mischievous grin
perfectlyGoodInk: blocking the wet willy
perfectlyGoodInk: anya and rose
perfectlyGoodInk: horsing around
perfectlyGoodInk: the cato crew
perfectlyGoodInk: CATO POWER!
perfectlyGoodInk: now with more fling
perfectlyGoodInk: Georgetown folks!
perfectlyGoodInk: me and the georgetown crew
perfectlyGoodInk: IMG_5242.JPG
perfectlyGoodInk: more cowbell