perfectlyGoodInk: random hottie in the stands
perfectlyGoodInk: Spartan Squad
perfectlyGoodInk: passing
perfectlyGoodInk: field goal
perfectlyGoodInk: making a move
perfectlyGoodInk: the lines
perfectlyGoodInk: the handoff
perfectlyGoodInk: split step
perfectlyGoodInk: celebration
perfectlyGoodInk: it ain't football without a coach yelling at someone
perfectlyGoodInk: fumble-rooskie!
perfectlyGoodInk: breaking out into the open field for a TD!
perfectlyGoodInk: by the shirt-tails
perfectlyGoodInk: cute Spectrum dancer
perfectlyGoodInk: slutty outfits
perfectlyGoodInk: in the pocket
perfectlyGoodInk: stiff arm
perfectlyGoodInk: about to be sacked
perfectlyGoodInk: workhorse
perfectlyGoodInk: take our photo!
perfectlyGoodInk: spartan squad
perfectlyGoodInk: tripped up
perfectlyGoodInk: back to pass
perfectlyGoodInk: bringing him down
perfectlyGoodInk: tackling
perfectlyGoodInk: scrambling
perfectlyGoodInk: spectrum dancers
perfectlyGoodInk: dejection
perfectlyGoodInk: stalking the victim
perfectlyGoodInk: gatorade attack!