perfectlyGoodInk: fanarriffic
perfectlyGoodInk: eruption
perfectlyGoodInk: ring of fire
perfectlyGoodInk: IMG_3042
perfectlyGoodInk: fanarriffic
perfectlyGoodInk: Okay, one final parting shot
perfectlyGoodInk: More fun with the raver fan
perfectlyGoodInk: Laying it on thickly
perfectlyGoodInk: Imbalance
perfectlyGoodInk: Loop-de-doo
perfectlyGoodInk: spiraling through time
perfectlyGoodInk: Curly rows
perfectlyGoodInk: Yeah, any picture looks better with Natalie Portman
perfectlyGoodInk: Oh no, the Pac-Man made of light is going to eat Natalie Portman!
perfectlyGoodInk: Okay, now the fan is just distracting the viewer from Natalie. That must annoy her.
perfectlyGoodInk: I'm having way too much fun with this
perfectlyGoodInk: Hey, where'd she go?
perfectlyGoodInk: Don't worry, this is my last batch of raver fan long exposure shots
perfectlyGoodInk: I Heart Natalie Portman!
perfectlyGoodInk: Hey, she's still there when it's light!
perfectlyGoodInk: Whoops, not long enough
perfectlyGoodInk: Halfway there...
perfectlyGoodInk: Um, weren't you good in math back in high school?
perfectlyGoodInk: And see? The pattern changes! Oooh!
perfectlyGoodInk: My trusty raver fan, at last, unveiled in the light
perfectlyGoodInk: Okay, I lied
perfectlyGoodInk: Ooh, a new twist