flight404: Test Prints (detail)
flight404: C60 Buckminsterfullerene
flight404: Virgin Mary apparition
flight404: Creating a sun the hard way.
flight404: Creating a sun the hard way.
flight404: Magnetic Ink, test 05
flight404: Turbulence study
flight404: sleep
flight404: Creating a sun the hard way.
flight404: One week of earthquakes (showing hypocentric depth).
flight404: Birds
flight404: If asked, 9 out of 10 people would entitle an article about this piece, "God Doesnt Play Dice, But Robert Hodgin Does."
flight404: McLeod Installation, pt. 2a
flight404: Neon explosion!
flight404: RC light painting
flight404: Interlocking cubes of bloxes
flight404: Basalt
flight404: RC light painting
flight404: CME, study
flight404: More jelly
flight404: Ink Trail, continued
flight404: Solar, revisited
flight404: Beautiful wall.
flight404: Radiolarian Print
flight404: Radiolaria bug.
flight404: Generative Butterflies
flight404: Turbulence
flight404: Tree
flight404: Go, Beach Chickens, Go!
flight404: Magnetic Ink, test 01