Fliedermaus: Summer in St Andrews
Fliedermaus: Dunino den
Fliedermaus: Stairway and Celtic knot
Fliedermaus: Deans court
Fliedermaus: Hill above St Andrews Harbor
Fliedermaus: Round stone beach at Elgol
Fliedermaus: Quirang sheep
Fliedermaus: Staffin Bay
Fliedermaus: Four rainbows
Fliedermaus: Highland Inn
Fliedermaus: Blossom-lined avenue
Fliedermaus: Crook of Devon countryside
Fliedermaus: Schiehallion
Fliedermaus: Portal?
Fliedermaus: The church down the street
Fliedermaus: Dawn arrival at the harbor
Fliedermaus: Pittenweem harbor
Fliedermaus: Louden's Close
Fliedermaus: St Andrews campus and gown
Fliedermaus: Queen's view
Fliedermaus: Rumbling Bridge Gorge
Fliedermaus: Eshaness - Third time's the charm?
Fliedermaus: In the woods