Fliedermaus: Fellow traveler
Fliedermaus: Yes, but can you do THIS?
Fliedermaus: Peacock
Fliedermaus: The helm
Fliedermaus: Nautical knots
Fliedermaus: Peedie Lass
Fliedermaus: Equso of the flowers
Fliedermaus: Peedie Lass
Fliedermaus: the It Ain't Gonna Happen Department: horse + wee yappy dog + ferry
Fliedermaus: Partly cloudy over Cromarty Bay
Fliedermaus: Spotty-faced sheep
Fliedermaus: Full of bulls
Fliedermaus: Flickrites at Cromarty Bay
Fliedermaus: Late afternoon walk
Fliedermaus: Last light
Fliedermaus: Boat and God beams
Fliedermaus: God beams and moored boats in Cromarty
Fliedermaus: Cromarty
Fliedermaus: Black Isle countryside
Fliedermaus: Black Isle countryside
Fliedermaus: Woodland fountain
Fliedermaus: The East church
Fliedermaus: East Church graveyard
Fliedermaus: Woodland fountain
Fliedermaus: Highland cows
Fliedermaus: 17th century calvalry barracks along A9
Fliedermaus: Abandoned calvalry barracks on a high, windswept hill