ƒliçkrwåy: Instruction #42 -- "While walking the street constantly look behind yourself, the light is always different." - Trent Parke
ƒliçkrwåy: #43 "Make something from nothing." - Amani Willett
ƒliçkrwåy: #44 - "Be joyful! Dance in the street." - Munem Wasif
ƒliçkrwåy: #45 - "See the characters but create your own plot" - Martin Kollar
ƒliçkrwåy: #46 - "Make a picture that is funny and sad at the same time. A photograph that simultaneously evokes pathos, irony and humour." - Jeff Mermelstein
ƒliçkrwåy: #47 - "The Real Subject is Yourself Facing the World" - Thierry Girard
ƒliçkrwåy: #48 - 'Things are what they seem to be, or maybe something else.' ~ Richard Kalvar
ƒliçkrwåy: #49 "Read the street in front of you by saying to yourself everything that you see happening both near you and coming toward you (the text of the street) and the picture will present itself." - Joel Meyerowitz
ƒliçkrwåy: Instruction #51: 'Buildings are like humans and have their own character.' - Alexey Titarenko
ƒliçkrwåy: Instruction #52 "If you have talent, find your own way" - Cristóbal Hara
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #01: "The real truth of life is on the streets. Photograph the daily lives of people, and how they exist, and how they fight for space and time and pleasure." Don McCullin
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #02: "Capture a moment of silence in the never ending noise of the world". - Pierre Belhassen
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #03:"Don't set out to get something specific. Follow your nose, it may surprise you." - John Maloof
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #04: "Scale. How small can you make something in the frame and have it still be the photo's primary visual subject?" - Blake Andrews
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #05: "Listen to the child" - Anahita Avalos
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #06 :"Leave some room for ambiguity in your images, it allows space for reflection." Ian Teh
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #09: Get yourself in the midst of an encounter: shoot a picture with people, rather than of people - Tiffany Jones
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #08 :"Lines, straight or curved : People follow them, contradict them or imprison themselves in them." - Thierry Clech
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #10: "Illuminate people. Use flash or other light sources" - Eric Kim
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #11: "Go birdwatching" - Sophie Howarth
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #12: "A street is full of emotions. Show it." - Michal Adamski
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #13: Consider other avenues and venture off the pavement - David Solomons
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #15: "Find your background and wait for the performance." - Susana Raab
ƒliçkrwåy: "SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #16: Enjoy times when you shoot impulsively and photograph mindlessly. The edit might reveal more than you think." - Jack Simon
ƒliçkrwåy: "SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #17: A fleeting gesture caught on the fly, can distill the meaning of a relationship, hint at a moral lesson or subvert what’s really happening." - Justin Sainsbury
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - "Instruction #18: Color matters, but carefully." - Andy Kochanowski
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction #19: ʺBe of the moment. Let the picture find you.ʺ - Sean McDonnell
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNP Year 2 Instruction #20 "Look for the strange amongst strangers, the hidden oddities or things that are out of place." - Jo Paul Wallace
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC Year 2 Instruction #21: "Feel, smell, hear the street ... contemplate life and capture your senses in an image" - Nayeli Cruz
ƒliçkrwåy: SPNC Year 2 Instruction #22: ʺGo to a big public event. Do not photograph the event." - Richard Bram