Danny Beath: Pontesford Hill
Danny Beath: Lone tree
Danny Beath: Hoar frost
Danny Beath: Frosty path
Danny Beath: Frozen umbel
Danny Beath: Frozen leaves
Danny Beath: Rose hips
Danny Beath: Hoar frost
Danny Beath: Pontesford Hill
Danny Beath: Old railway track
Danny Beath: Pink waxcap habitat
Danny Beath: Yellow waxcap
Danny Beath: Trig point
Danny Beath: Church tower and rainbow
Danny Beath: Man in the woods
Danny Beath: Trig point
Danny Beath: View to The Wrekin
Danny Beath: Tree on a hill
Danny Beath: A winter dawn
Danny Beath: Startled sheep
Danny Beath: Green Lane near Pontesbury
Danny Beath: Oak tree
Danny Beath: Kite over Pontesford Hill
Danny Beath: Diagonal logs