Danny Beath: Whittington Castle
Danny Beath: Whittington
Danny Beath: Castle pool
Danny Beath: Whittington Church
Danny Beath: White cottages
Danny Beath: Wedding cars
Danny Beath: Release point!
Danny Beath: Fight 4 his life!
Danny Beath: Taking stock
Danny Beath: On the bridge
Danny Beath: On the prowl
Danny Beath: Bridge silhouette
Danny Beath: The Warrior
Danny Beath: Catching the sun
Danny Beath: The Solar Staff
Danny Beath: Sunset silhouette
Danny Beath: Stormlit Whittington Castle
Danny Beath: Whittington Castle drawbridsge
Danny Beath: Reflected glory
Danny Beath: Prepared for battle
Danny Beath: Melee!
Danny Beath: Flowergirl
Danny Beath: Wild celt
Danny Beath: Norman
Danny Beath: The watched pot
Danny Beath: Cooking supper
Danny Beath: Fight to the death
Danny Beath: Battle!!
Danny Beath: Battle commence!!
Danny Beath: Sheilds up!!!!