Danny Beath: quack!,quack!,quack!
Danny Beath: Cock pheasant
Danny Beath: Starlings
Danny Beath: Dunnock
Danny Beath: Feeding the ducks
Danny Beath: Screaming wren
Danny Beath: Singing robin
Danny Beath: Superb starling
Danny Beath: Buff tailed hummingbird
Danny Beath: Goose family
Danny Beath: Turaco
Danny Beath: Weaver bird
Danny Beath: Red billed hornbill
Danny Beath: Little egret
Danny Beath: Victoria crowned pigeon
Danny Beath: Flamingo and egg
Danny Beath: Reflective duck
Danny Beath: Cheeky robin
Danny Beath: Pedestal robin
Danny Beath: Red kite
Danny Beath: 3 rainbow parakeets
Danny Beath: Starlings
Danny Beath: Murmerations
Danny Beath: Starlings by moonlight
Danny Beath: Starlings at sunset
Danny Beath: Starlings over St. Chad's
Danny Beath: Great crested grebe
Danny Beath: Red kite quartering over reeds
Danny Beath: Village Weaverbird at nest