fleurdeguerre: The vintage china awaits its Pimms
fleurdeguerre: The changing room awaits its burlesque girls
fleurdeguerre: The croquet awaits its players...
fleurdeguerre: And the bar staff await the guests!
fleurdeguerre: The Sax Pastilles have a bash
fleurdeguerre: As the glamorous guests start arriving
fleurdeguerre: _MG_0017
fleurdeguerre: _MG_0018
fleurdeguerre: _MG_0019
fleurdeguerre: _MG_0020
fleurdeguerre: Your door lady greets you
fleurdeguerre: Miss Sophie Jonas sells cakes
fleurdeguerre: Smuts and Darhling
fleurdeguerre: Sophia St Villier arrives
fleurdeguerre: Nice blazer old chap
fleurdeguerre: Some dapper chaps arrive
fleurdeguerre: The glam Mrs Doherty
fleurdeguerre: Nothing like a nice bit of tweed!
fleurdeguerre: The Sax Pastilles warm up
fleurdeguerre: _MG_0047
fleurdeguerre: Our fab bar staff looked the part!
fleurdeguerre: Lovely Lisa 'aving a fag
fleurdeguerre: Your hostesses!
fleurdeguerre: More gorgeous guests!
fleurdeguerre: Outside on the smoking terrace
fleurdeguerre: Anyone for croquet?
fleurdeguerre: Who knew poets could be so glam?
fleurdeguerre: The band's first set
fleurdeguerre: Drum, that man!
fleurdeguerre: Bottoms up, Torquil!