photodrum: Self Portrait - Remembering Jan Van Eyk - Bio Hazard
photodrum: Identity crisis
photodrum: Identity 2.jpg
photodrum: Self Portrait - channeling Birkel's Akrobat
photodrum: Self Portrait - thinking of Albert Birkle
photodrum: SP - Chuck Close style
photodrum: Not Danyelle's world
photodrum: After the Death of Painting
photodrum: "The Spirit" self portrait - avatar
photodrum: Comic Book Spirit - Self Portrait
photodrum: The Spirit - Self portrait final edit
photodrum: FWL self portrait FM style
photodrum: Double Self portrait as Rene Magritte with his "La Barbare" (Fantomas)
photodrum: Variation of Magritte's La Barbare (Fantomas)
photodrum: Self Portrait silhouette as clouds with lightning - thinking of Magritte
photodrum: Treachery of Windows (The Human Condition)
photodrum: Self Portrait as "Fantomas" in the garden
photodrum: Jackson Pollack's Rebar #5 - 3.jpg
photodrum: Jackson Pollack's Rebar #5 -2.jpg
photodrum: Homage to Jackson Pollack
photodrum: Miami - Toward the glades
photodrum: Clive Clarke 11-08-08
photodrum: The Killing-
photodrum: FWL Self Portrait - silhouette
photodrum: SP - Garbo Pose - CS Bull style
photodrum: SP Citizen LePiere - Ernest Bachrach style - Stetson Nostalgia
photodrum: SP Profile - R Coburn Style
photodrum: SP Profile 2 with ciggy butt
photodrum: Self Portrait - Bogart Pose - Scotty Welbourne style - Stetson Nostalgia
photodrum: Self Portrait with ciggy butt - Bogart style