fleetingglances: 783. Standing out from the crowd .....
fleetingglances: 725. The top of the falls ........
fleetingglances: 711. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here ......
fleetingglances: 705. Reeling in the line at sunset - Rhosilli, Gower
fleetingglances: 699. Razor-sharp formation along the edge of the water as the tide ebbs
fleetingglances: 617. If you don't want to look ..... click onto your next contact ......
fleetingglances: 614. Flower clad stone wall ....
fleetingglances: 613. WELCOME TO OUR WORLD LITTLE FELLA ........
fleetingglances: 609. For the people of Japan ......
fleetingglances: 596. Shrouded in mist ........
fleetingglances: 528. Looks like piglet has had 'one too many' .....
fleetingglances: 485. Butterfly or moth maybe - not sure ......
fleetingglances: 414. Don't ask ..........
fleetingglances: 408. He cares ........
fleetingglances: 342. Beware of unsafe gravestones
fleetingglances: 338. Evening light on the weeping willow.
fleetingglances: 331. Just for you - Happy Valentine's Day
fleetingglances: 326. First snowdrops of the year
fleetingglances: 321. The hard climb
fleetingglances: 319. How much is that doggie in the window......
fleetingglances: 210. "Please don't speak with your mouth full .... I can hardly hear a word you're saying"
fleetingglances: 299. If the flamingos can do it, then so can we !!
fleetingglances: 294. Wings of an angel? .........
fleetingglances: 285. Convolvulus cneorum
fleetingglances: 280. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE / Navidad feliz todos / Noël heureux à tout / Buon Natale a tutto
fleetingglances: 274. The whole picture
fleetingglances: 266. Good morning, good morning ........
fleetingglances: 263. The fallen, fading rose
fleetingglances: 251. Ye olde pump
fleetingglances: 245. Remember beautiful sunny Wormshead ??