flavour404: Today's offerings to the god of sugar
flavour404: Today's offerings to the god of sugar
flavour404: Leftover pastry jam tart
flavour404: Leftover pastry jam tart
flavour404: Today, apple pie
flavour404: The cookery book shot 1
flavour404: The cookery book shot 2
flavour404: Today, apple pie
flavour404: Rock cakes, round 3
flavour404: The Last Slice
flavour404: My sister eating the jam tart that I made!
flavour404: The Last Slice
flavour404: Monkey in a blender, monkey in a blender, MONKEY IN A BLENDER!!
flavour404: The Last Slice
flavour404: Rons 'special' banana monkey milkshake.
flavour404: Posh Lunch
flavour404: Now we are talking, the Dessert!
flavour404: Mojito, I don't think its a 'gay' drink!
flavour404: Guess what I'm making?
flavour404: Dinner 22/1/08
flavour404: Posh fryup, mushroom, goats cheese, turkey bacon, egg, carrot salad