seanhoyer: we need a revolution (16036)
seanhoyer: playita pier at night in Yelapa (16219)
seanhoyer: disco palapa in Yelapa (16233)
seanhoyer: night dining in Yelapa (16242)
seanhoyer: morning clouds and palm on the Point (Yelapa 16268)
seanhoyer: and on the seventh night, we ran out of normal-sized candles (16438)
seanhoyer: resting up after gift bag assembly (16489)
seanhoyer: leader of the pack? (16524)
seanhoyer: DVD720-132403 26FEB10A
seanhoyer: DVD720-194522 26FEB10A
seanhoyer: DVD720-153112 27FEB10
seanhoyer: DVD720-183315 27FEB10
seanhoyer: turquoise-browed motmot (16695)
seanhoyer: iguana profile (16701)
seanhoyer: parking sign in Merida (16742)
seanhoyer: shell, hand, & sunset at ecoparaiso (16838)
seanhoyer: night beach at Ecoparaiso (16857)
seanhoyer: lanterns at Zahra (16978)
seanhoyer: wheat @ Eatwell Farm (17178)
seanhoyer: my feral nieces (17395)
seanhoyer: flamingo coming in for a landing (16780)
seanhoyer: sunset over the gulf - ecoparaiso (16839)