seanhoyer: color scheme A, partly shaded (5716)
seanhoyer: A-1 (5700)
seanhoyer: A-2 (5701)
seanhoyer: A-3 (5705)
seanhoyer: door colors with A-2 (?) (5713)
seanhoyer: door colors with A-2 (5714)
seanhoyer: color scheme B (5718)
seanhoyer: color scheme B (5710)
seanhoyer: B 2 (5708)
seanhoyer: B-2 & -3 (5709)
seanhoyer: B-1 (5707)
seanhoyer: door colors X Y & Z with scheme B (?) (5715)
seanhoyer: color scheme C (5717)
seanhoyer: color scheme C (5711)
seanhoyer: C-1 (5704)
seanhoyer: C-2 (5703)
seanhoyer: C-3 (5702)
seanhoyer: door colors with C-1 (5712)
seanhoyer: door colors W X Y & Z (5706)
seanhoyer: door colors W X Y & Z (5719)